Sunday, December 4, 2011

Oh, High School Self

Haha, my dad found my old sketchbook from High School. I can't believe some of the things I drew back then. There's a lot of personal sketches in it too. A lot of personal feelings. Here's some of the lesson personal and better off sketches. :P

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Sunday, October 2, 2011

WIP: Girl

My Illustrator program finally came!!! XD This is the first drawing that I did with the program. I want to draw antlers on this girl now and make her some kind of "forest spirit" or something.

Finalmente, mi programa "Illustrator" llegó!!! XD Este dibujo es el primer dibujo lo que dibujé con el programa. Quiero dibujar unas cornamentas del ciervo por encima de la cabeza y creo un "espíritu del bosque".

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Una pintura para mi abuela / A painting for my grandmother

Hurricane Irene will be arriving in my state tomorrow. I just got back from visiting my grandmother. My brother and I could only stay for two days because of this hurricane. Before I left to visit my grandmother, I managed to finish a painting. It was a gift for her. :)

Huracán Irene está viniendo a mi estado a la mañana. Hoy llequé a la casa. Mi hermano y yo hicimos una visita a nos abuela por dos días. Quería por a veces más días pero mi hermano y yo llegamos a la casa de nos padre porque del huracán. Pues, antes de la visita terminé una pintura. Fue un regalo para mi abuela. :)

I don't normally paint scenery types of paintings but my grandmother likes this kinds of paintings.

Normalmente, no pinto los paisajismos pero mi abuela le gusta mucho estos tipos de pinturas.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Girl, Sketch Update

Update of an old sketch. The color from the camera is a little off. It's not supposed to be as yellow. I'll change the image later.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Flood Illustration

The USA government diverts flood water away from the city to farm land.

El gobierno de los Estados Unidos aleja el aqua de la riada de la ciudad y la desvía a las tierras de labranza.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

A report by China's central bank has accused the country's communist party cadre and officials of funneling $123.6 billion out of the country.

Al Jazeera's Melissa Chan in Beijing visits an artist on a mission to keep a visual record of the culprits.

-From Al Jazeera English on youtube.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Climate Change

Title: Climate Change Poster
Medium: Acrylic

So, this painting is pretty much done. There are a few things that need to be fixed though. I'll re-upload the image on my website once I get around to fixing what needs to be fixed. Also, I have a Deviantart page now! Please check it out. :)

Bueno, este cuadro es casi terminado. Hay un poco cosas tengo que arreglar. Subiré el nuevo cuadro en al futuro. Una cosa más, ¡Tengo un perfil a Deviantart ahora! Échale un vistazo. :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Work in Progress.

Dibujo en progreso.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

For Japan

Live Streams of News About Japan

American Red Cross Donations or text REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation.
Canadian Red Cross
Red Cross Japan
Shelter Box
Save The Children Or text “JAPAN” or “TSUNAMI” to 20222 to donate $10.
Global Giving Or text JAPAN to 50555 to donate $10.
The Salvation Army Or text JAPAN or QUAKE to 80888 to donate $10.

Japan Person Finder (消息情報): 2011 日本地震
東北沖地震 震災情報サイト
SMILE (井上雄彦のTwitter)
Encouraging tweets (English)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Illustration Friday: Sweater

I finally managed to get something done for Illustration Friday. It's a quick, simple little drawing done in sharpie. This week's theme is "sweater." (^_^)

Finalmente, dibujé algo para Illustration Friday. Es un dibujo rápido y sencillo. Usé sharpie. El tema es "suéter."

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Art Video

WIP - Self Portrait with Hat, 2011, Charcoal.
Music - Utada Hikaru's Me Muero.

Me doing a little bit of drawing. ^_^

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Lips + Fan (quick drawing)

Lips With Fan. Computer, Adobe Photoshop. Jan. 10, 2011.


A quick drawing done using the computer.

Un dibujo hice rápidamente con la computadora.

Un disegno che ho fatto su computer.